About Us.

Who We Are

Managing Director

Founder of Al-Ihsaan Trust Hafiz Moulana Mohammad Sala Uddin son of Shaykhul Hadeeth Ml. Abdul Halim Saheb Rahimahullah is a graduate of Darul Uloom, Bury, UK, who is a highly organised and motivated teacher, carrying a caring vision to create the most intellectual and equipped students as future Ulama and Huffaz and to serve Humanity via Dawah, Education & charity across the globe.

We ask Allah SWT to grant Moulana ability to serve the needy humanity and accept all the humble khidmaat in the cause of Allah.

Mision & Vision

At Al-Ihsaan Trust UK we believe in PERFECTING KINDNESS towards humanity and that our children are the spirit of our society.

Hafiz Moulana Md. Sala Uddin. founder of Al-Ihsaan Trust


"And He has made me blessed wherever I am and has enjoined upon me Prayer and Zakah as long as I remain alive."

[Qur’an 19:31]


Molana Barrister Abdullah Md. Ismail is well known as the President of Jami Mosque & Islamic Centre, Coventry Road, Birmingham, B10 0LP, UK.

Molana is also a Barrister and a legal consultant managing Euraisa Legal Services, Birmingham.

The Jami Masjid and Islamic Centre Birmingham, England, has a capacity of 2,000+ attendees, a full time Darul Uloom Islamic Madrasah and college.

Jami Mosque & Islamic Centre Birmingham (JMIC) was established in 1973. The Mosque has grown significantly over the years including separate prayer and learning facilities for sisters.

JMIC has an established tradition for providing Islamic education for all ages through evening maktab, Hifz & Alimi madrasa alongside national curriculum in the Darul Uloom boys secondary school and Jamiah Darul Uloom a college for adults providing A-Levels and B.A degree which began in 1985. They also provide Islamic education for the adult community and provide dedicated funeral services.

Molana Abdullah Md. Ismail has completed a comprehensive program where he studied Islamic sciences including Arabic, Rhetoric, Logic, Hadith, Quranic exegesis and Islamic shariah studies in Jamea Qasimiah, Norshingdi, Bangladesh and thereafter he aslo completed a degree in Islamic Studies in the well known and famous International Islamic University, Jamiah Al-Azhar, Egypt. Following this, Shaykh spent many years teaching, preaching and being actively involved in many dawah activities across the country. He has years of experience teaching Quran, Tafseer, Hadith, Fiqh, Tajweed, the Arabic language. He served as an Imam in local Islamic institutes. Molana has dedicated his life in the service of Deen to educate and help the Muslim and Non Muslim community around United Kingdom and around the World.
May Allah subhaanahu wa ta’laa grant success for Molana to lead this huge Project of Al-IhsaanTrust. Ameen

Chairman's Message

In response to the global crises seen over the last few decades, Al-Ihsaan Trust UK has been established to provide aid, relief, wellbeing and education to those affected. Devastating catastrophes, in the form of war, loss of lives, floods & earthquakes etc have left the most vulnerable of people lacking significantly in their basic day to day necessities of life. Such catastrophes have uprooted homes, disrupted medical facilities & destroyed entire educational institutions & social infrastructures.     
Undoubtedly, it is the Muslim ummah that suffers the most in these times of hardship. The primary reason for this is due to the decline of education, in combination with a prevalence of rampant ignorance amongst muslims, and a lack of a core, structured approach to systematic Da’wah. This has manifested in a weak understanding of the Deen, which has led many to even sell their most precious asset of Imaan in exchange for food and supplies. Evidently, the Imaani identity, status, honour & dignity of the muslims worldwide is at stake.
It is in light of these concerns that Al-Ihsaan Trust has become another helping hand for the Ummah in need. Al-Ihsaan Trust plans to deliver aid across numerous countries, such as the UK, parts of Europe, Asia, Africa & the Arab World through education, dawah & charity in a systematic & accessible approach. Al-Ihsaan Trust is constantly expanding & working in partnership alongside many established UK & International Relief Agencies.

*It is committed to a strict 100% DONATIONS POLICY which guarantees that each & every penny will reach the needy & specified projects without any liabilities for admin or fundraising expenses.
The charity is supported, overlooked & managed by scholars across the UK and abroad. The organisation is truly fortunate to have scholars leadership to advise the direction of Al-Ihsaan Trust and to make sincere Duas for the fulfilment of its ambitions.
The admin costs of Al-Ihsaan are covered by the following key methods:

1. Allah’s help that is achieved through the duas of the weak & the needy who pray for Al-Ihsan Trust & the team for giving them a platform for new hope in life.

2. 25% gift aid scheme that will hopefully be earned from the UK government in the near future. It is paramount that Gift Aid is sought by all eligible donors.

3. Admin specific donations received from donors for admin purposes only.

4. A dedicated network of volunteers who sacrifice their time & skills to serve the needy humanity.

5. Self sustaining & income generating programs for Admin use insha Allah.

May Allah give us the opportunity & tawfiq to make dua & serve the suffering ummah in their times of desperation. Let’s thankful by donating, fundraising & dedicating our time, efforts, skills & expertise.
We are constantly expanding & seeking volunteers to make a difference through their commitments fi sabilillah. Join us in our efforts to deliver global projects in the UK & abroad through your talents. Fundraise within your capacity amongst your friends, families & communities. Help Allah’s deen by being part of the ever growing team. Get In touch by our contact details, the online form or through your local PR representative.

Our goal is to acquire knowledge, and learn tranquility and dignity as said by Hazrat Omar Ibn al-Khattab RA.