Emergency Appeals

Working towards a future where the needy get the care and support they need to thrive.

Al-Ihsaan Trust UK is a charity whose objective is to provide humanitarian services to the most needy across the globe. We strive to alleviate poverty, provide relief and impart education to children/adults, train and nurture them to become decent, upright & civilised members of the society & to relieve humanity from shackles of slavery, poverty, ignorance & hopelessness so that they become peaceful citizens of the world.

Various projects of Al-Ihsaan Trust include


1. EMERGENCY and food aid.

2. Most Needy in the disaster hit areas.

3. Uk Poverty, Homeless and community support including food banks to help with rising living costs.

4. Online and on-site education for the people of deprived backgrounds and the general masses.

5. Winter aid kits

6. Orphanage or learning centres and educational resources.

7. Water pumps, Wells and water distribution, sanitation and hygiene kits.

8. Orphans and Widows support

9. Cash Grants and financial assistance for the poor.

10. House construction

11. Empowerment projects such as auto rickshaws, fishing boats, sewing machines and other income generating and livelihood projects.

12. Medical and health care 

13. Poor students and teachers support.

14. Religious activities and building of places of worship.

“Whoever saved a life, it would be as if they saved the life of all mankind.”
[Qur’an 5:32]

Our Reach.

We're making an impact

Since 2009 Al-Ihsaan Trust has been carrying out various projects in the UK and across the globe through your generous donations.

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Orphan children and families have been served.

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Food packs distributed

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Madrsah students currently study in Al-Ihsaan Trust sponsored Madrasa Darul Arkam

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Beneficiaries of your Zakat, Sadaqah and Lillah


Molana Barrister Abdullah Md. Ismail

President, Jami Mosque & Islamic Centre, Coventry Road, Birmingham, B10 0LL, UK.

Managing Director

Our Causes

Popular Causes

Sunnah Marriage Support

'The most blessed marriage is the one with the least expenses.' Muslims are advised to make marriages simple by avoiding large sums of dowry, lavish marriage halls, extravagant decorations, and huge expenses on food. This advice was ignored which has opened the doors to Zina and sins. It is unfortunate that Muslims have adopted the traditions and customs of others, making marriages almost impossible. Young couples have become a financial burden on their parents. This project helps us sponsor simple marriages with the bare minimum costs so that the sunnah of marriages can continue in Islamic society and the doors to Zina be shut. No large gatherings, minimum Mahr, and simple food. Hundreds of girls from underprivileged parents were sitting at home without getting married due to financial constraints earlier, but now they are getting married without any difficulties. Many families are immensely happy with the help they are getting. Dowry is based on the minimum and is being paid in cash immediately at the time of nikah. In some marriages, they are serving only tea and snacks. Most marriages are taking place in mosques in a simple manner. People are decorating their homes within budget, unlike the decoration in functional halls, where they used to spend lakhs (hundreds of thousands). Some marriages are taking place immediately after the Fajr prayer and some after Dhur or at a convenient time. It's a blessing from Allah that unmarried couples are getting married easily with minimal expenses.

Medical Treatment

Years of wars and natural disasters have left millions of people around the globe with healthcare crises. The crisis has left people with serious injuries and diseases due to the lack of medicine and medical care. Many people are losing lives solely because of a severe lack of basic healthcare. Alhumdulillah, Al-Ihsaan Trust is helping many people with medical treatment costs.   Physical & Mental Disability Support. Anyone may become disabled - or develop a long-term health condition - and find themselves needing extra support. Al-Ihsaan Trust supports those with a physical or mental condition that limits a person's movements, senses, or activities. We also focus on "children with severe physical disabilities". or disadvantaged or handicapped with a range of different support options available to us. Cataract Surgery When a person does not have eyesight the whole world to them becomes dark and meaningless. Eyes are a great blessing of Allah. A person can do a lot when his eyesight is healthy whereas anyone without eyesight is deprived of a lot. Al-Ihsaan Trust helps people with the costs of this treatment. Since 1995, 500 million cataract surgeries have been performed around the world, with more than 60,000 cataract surgeries performed globally every day. About 4 million cataract surgeries are performed every year in the United States alone. This is one of the most common eye surgeries that has been performed for decades. This procedure restores sight when the natural lens of the eye becomes so cloudy or dimmed that you can no longer perform daily tasks.  

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