Respect Islamic scholars

When the scholars are present, knowledge, action and piety are widespread. When they are abandoned, and the riff-raff and rabble speak, knowledge diminishes along with deeds and piety.

“Allah does not take away the knowledge by taking it away from the hearts of the people, but He takes it away by the death of the Scholars till no Scholar remains. Then people will take as their leaders the ignoramuses who when asked will give their verdict (fatwa) without knowledge. So they will go astray themselves and will lead the people astray.” (Al-Bukhārī, no. 100)

When speakers (mostly young, ignorant and reckless), who revile the scholars and belittle their worth; accusing them of being ignorant of current affairs and the reality of Muslim communities and societies, such that the people no longer distinguish between a person of knowledge and the riff-raff who call to misguidance, it is then that they are ruined. Negativity towards the scholars of Haq is rampant and widespread. Don’t be a part of it.

Scholars are to be respected, honoured and not belittled and reviled. Don’t seeks to raise your own status among the masses and to turn them away from Allah’s religion by belittling scholars.

To concoct falsehood against the chosen by Allah to disseminate knowledge is a despicable characteristic.

Scholar’s role is crucial in the preservation of the Religion.

The Messenger PBUH said: “This knowledge will be carried by the trustworthy of every generation. They will expel from it the distortions of those who go to extremes, the lies of the falsifiers, and the interpretations of the ignorant.” (Mishkāt: 248)

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