Bank Transfer
Ai Trust
Sort Code: 30-99-50
Account Number: 79437960
Direct Debit or Standing Order
You can set up a direct debit or a standing order directly through your bank using our bank details.
Put a Reference and Specify your donations as Zakah, Sadaqah or Lillah with specific project name and Region.
Cheques and Postal Orders
Make your cheques or postal orders, etc. payable to:
84 Wood Lane
B20 2AP
Please ensure the following.
1. Do not send cash by post. Al-IhsaanTrust Trust cannot accept liability for any money lost in the post.
2. Specify your donations as Zakah, Sadaqah or Lillah with specific project name and Region.
3. Provide a contact number or email for any arising issues with your donations.
4. Ensure you provide a senders address incase of postal misplacement.
Also make sure all address details and postage fee is correct to avoid misplacement in the post.
Reference Abbreviations
Z= Zakat
S= Sadaqah
L= Lillah
BD = Bangladesh
KAS = Kashmir
PAK = Pakistan
EG = Egypt
IND = India
Admin, Orphans, Widows, Education, Emergency, Most Needy, Water, Madrasah, Mosque, Medical, Ramadan, Qurbani, Aqeeqah, Empowerment, Food, Kaffarah, Fidya, Students, Teachers, Bricks and Homes.
Example of Reference:
Ai Trust
Sort Code: 30-99-50
Account Number: 79437960
Please contact us to let us know about your payment setup so that we can trace and identify your donations and allocate it to your intended projects.
You can contact Al-Ihsaan Trust Trust by phone, on 07950455248 , or email, at [email protected]