Every act should be guided by Ikhlas for Allah with clear intended objectives, rules and regulations which will direct the employees in performing their duties.
Ikhlas by both plays a vital role for organisation’s success.
Justice: Managers should treat its employees with respect, humility, professionalism and fairness and avoid unfairness and bad behaviour towards employees by being just and transparent to attain BARAKAH.
Al-Maida: 8
Respect & listen to employees views and reward them with fairness.
Managers/employees should not misuse trust in performing duties. Al-Anfaal: 27
BOTH are answerable to each other & Allah.
Shura: Managers should seek advice from employees while making decisions. Al-Shuoraa: 36 & 38.
Shura creates feeling of fairness, teamwork and group performance
among employees and ensures clear picture of expected performance for all.
Absence of Islamic Principles for organizational behavior
can lead to breach of fairness, equity and trust among employees.