Ideal Muslim Youth “Youth with a mission”

Upright Muslim youth believe in their religion with conviction and content. They are sincere to Allah, follow the Prophet (SAW)and seek the guidance from his life. They do righteous deeds and abandon all that is forbidden and advise each other to truth and patience. Their belief is so firm that nothing can shake it. They believe in the wisdom of the Creator. They practice their religion with total sincerity to Allah, His Messenger, Muslim leaders, and Muslim common folk.
They strive to establish an Islamic ideal society where no evil is entertained.
When they choose a companion, they choose righteous, good, and intelligent people so they can benefit from their goodness, righteousness, and intelligence.

They are surrounded by those who are of noble character, upright, religious, and of good reputation.

They are very cautious of bad elements of the society and keep away from them, and are not carried away by their sweetened talk and good outward appearance.

These upright young people never view destructive, un-Islamic materials in books, magazines, TV and the internet or media. They are fully aware of the destructive implications of being in contact with such materials. They seek out beneficial information and books that help in actualising faith and virtuous deeds.

Prophet Muhammad (SAW) said: “There are two blessings which many people lose: (They are) health and free time for doing good.” al-Bukhari 6412

Turn the pages of Islamic history, to enrich yourselves with inspirational stories. A young man Osama bin Zaid led an army in which all the senior companions of Prophet SAW too participated.

When the Prophet (SAW) came to Madinah with his Companions, there was not a single man with white hair on his head except for Abu Bakr, who had dyed his beard with henna and saffron.

Those who participated in the first battle fought between Islam and Kufr, they were all youths.

“The two feet of a servant will not move from their places until he is asked about four things: about his life and what he did with it, about his youth and how he spent it, about how well he acted upon his knowledge, and about his earnings – where he obtained it, and what he spent it on.” Tirmidhi 2417

Youth is the period of struggle, sacrifice, worship, propagation of religion, and this is the period of movement and activity. So, it is primarily important for the youth to turn towards Islam, learn it, implement it, and call to it. They need to be mindful and sincere to Allah, which will qualify them to carry out this noble task.

They enjoin all that is good and forbid all that is evil for they believe that the communities and nations cannot prosper without practicing what Allah has specified in the glorious Qur’an:
Such young people are a pride for this Ummah and the symbol of its life. They play a vital role in repairing the Muslims’ damaged state and infuse the life in the followers of the right path. They will be blessed with the bliss of this world and the next.

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