Orphanage Madrasatul Aman

In Islam, it is the right of a child to be protected, and taken care of physically, psychologically, and emotionally. And these rights don’t change when they become orphans. Prophet Mohammad (peace be upon him) was himself an orphan. There is great importance set in the Quran and Sunnah (the teachings of the Prophet (PBUH)) in the treatment of orphans. Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) said, "Whoever caresses the head of an orphan (in affection), solely for the sake of Allah, a good deed will be written to his account for every hair over which he passed his hand. – narrated by Abu Hurairah. According to Islam, orphans are those children who are left with no protection because their fathers have passed away. Many orphans have no source of income and/or a guardian to take care of them. This is where Muslims as a community have to step in and aid the orphans even if the mother is still living. There is also a great responsibility that comes with taking care of orphans. There are very strict guidelines when it comes to Islam and taking care of orphans. And we as Al-Ihsaan Trust for Relief and Development understand and take them seriously. Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) said, "I and the person who looks after an orphan and provides for him, will be in Paradise like this," putting his index and middle fingers together. - Narrated by Sahl bin Sa'd There is great reward in caring for an orphan. Shaykhul hadeeth Ml. Abdul Halim Rahimahullah a great Alim Deen has purchased land for orphans fully paid. Unfortunately, he passed away, and now Al-Ihsaan Trust has taken the responsibility to build an orphanage with 6 story foundation for up to 700 orphans. The building will comprise ground-floor shops and businesses as self-sustaining projects to fund the orphanage. An indoor multi-purpose and activities center alongside businesses. A 1st-floor Masjid and the rest classes with boarding facilities and accommodation. May Allah reward and accept this dream of Hazrat Ml. Abdul Halim Rahimahullah.

Maktab Establishment

This was the personal and discrete – manner in which the teaching of the Holy Qur’an began. Gradually, as more people embraced Islam the following verse was revealed, “Therefore, proclaim openly that which Allah has commanded, and turn away from the Mushrikoon.” The first concern of the Holy Prophet thereafter was to arrange teaching facilities for the new converts. How could they be taught the Holy Qur’an? The circumstances at the time did not permit the dozen or so Muslims to gather in one place in order to perform Salaah and be taught the Holy Qur’an. For this reason, the Holy Prophet organized their taleem in various homes where they could secretly assemble and study the Holy Qur’an.   Maktabs throughout Islamic history. Maktabs were found all over the Muslim world by the end of the 8th Century due to the desire of Muslims to learn the Qur’aan. Even at present, it has exhibited remarkable durability and continues to be an important means of religious instruction in Muslim countries. Why is the institution of the Maktab important? Maktabs are an easy way for 100% of the Ummah to learn the main aspects of Deen (the orders of Allah Ta’ala and the way of the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam). Along with reciting Qur’aan, learning Aqaaid (doctrine), I’baadaat, Mu’amaalaat, and Akhlaaq, essential Islamic knowledge can be made common among the Ummah. If a child gives more time than the minimum class time, then arrangements can be made to make them Haafidh or Aa’lim. Our Children If we are not going to equip our children with Islamic knowledge, they will be sucked up into this world and forget who their Creator is. Remember that Rasulullah Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam said that after a person passes away nothing will avail him except 3 things: Sadaqah Jaariyyah. Beneficial knowledge. Pious children, who will make dua for him after his death. Importance of Maktabs in this era To dispel this darkness of Jaahiliyyah (ignorance) the Ummah is going through today, many efforts of Deen are taking place. The Maktab has become more important and vital than ever before. In numerous countries of the world, the Makaatib has become a means of saving the Imaan of thousands and reversing the tide of Irtidaad (renegade from Islam). It is not possible to fully appreciate the role fulfilled by these Makaatib in watering the seeds of Imaan, which will later flourish, Insha Allah. The significance of Makatib establishment of Maktabs has remained the most vital and effective way of retaining and preserving our Deen in its original pristine state. This is also the reason why the children of those people who established Maktabs maintained their Islamic identity. A community that fails to do this will retain its Islamic identity only with difficulty, if at all.  


Teacher Sponsorship

"True Greatness is not measured by the things we do for ourselves, but by the positive and selfless contributions we make to the lives of others." The primary source for providing a low-cost education is the teacher sponsorship program for children who live in abject poverty and families who struggle to feed their children and are not in a position to pay the fees required to attend schools and madrasahs.   Sponsoring a teacher is the most important and effective way of keeping poverty-stricken children in school. Firstly, it enables parents who do not have the means to obtain an education for their children to do so. Secondly, instead of trying to find individual sponsors for 1000s of children, all we need to do is to fund the salaries of teachers. These teachers will in turn address the educational, mental, physical, and spiritual needs of the children. Parents of these children, therefore, are not left out in the development process of their children. They just need a hand up and not a hand out from us. This leaves parents only with the responsibility of provisions uniforms, shoes, books, and other school essentials. All we kindly ask of you is to help take care of the financial challenge they are unable to meet in these circumstances by sponsoring teachers. When you sponsor a teacher you will be making a significant difference in the lives of children and students. This is a true testimony of faith as you are reaching out to your global brothers and sisters to reflect the light of the Quran and Sunnah by showing love and support for the best of creation. Through your generosity, we are improving the lives of over 1000s students, teachers, and staff members in our various schools and madrasas.  


Empowerment Project

All people are required to perform the work to the fullest extent, so mastering the work is one of the duties that the Islamic Sharia dictates to them. Islam considers work as a means of halal livelihood. In fact, work in Islam is pure worship. Empowerment or income generation projects are those projects through which an individual's or a family's livelihood is maintained. Empowerment projects include Auto/ manual rickshaws, CNG vehicles, fishing boats, sewing machines, food carts, food stalls, and small convenience shops. These projects are very useful as it helps individuals to stand on their feet who either had nothing or very little. It helps them continue to support their families on a long-term basis.   CNG vehicle £4000 or used £2000 approximately. Rickshaw £300 A Rickshaw and CNG vehicle or auto Rickshaw in Asian countries is a reliable form of transport and income. However, many people can't afford to buy one. Giving a Rickshaw will empower a family with a great source of sustainable income, as well as help them get to school and work.   Food cart £150 A food cart is basically a mobile shop that can be carried by the keeper to various locations to generate daily and sustainable regular income. A very useful and easy business to set up for many to get on to the business ladder.   Fishing boat £200 A country is rich in fish, which makes it very accessible for individuals to fish and earn a living. Those living in the rural parts of Bangladesh have access to fishing. Fishing boats are important to them to progress in their livelihood. We distribute these boats so that they can manage their lives and continually sustain an income that will inevitably take them out of poverty over time.   Sewing machine £150 A sewing machine will help a woman clothe her family and provides a sustainable source of income and financial independence. Give a sewing machine and material to a vocational training center empowering women in deprived areas or to a family in need.   Bicycle £100 A bicycle to a family in need will help kids get to school and parents get to work without burdensome transport costs. Being a reliable transport will help to get from place to place in an efficient way.