On the Night of Israa’ and Mi’raaj, as recorded in Saheeh Al-Bukhaari, the Prophet saw naked men and women on a building similar to a furnace, wide at the bottom and narrow at the top, and a fire kindling from the bottom. When the fire starts, they cry and come up; when it goes out, they return to their previous state. When the Prophet asked about them, the answer was: ‘They are those who committed Zina.’ They will be tortured in the same way till Resurrection.”
Use Facebook, WhatsApp, Twitter and Instagram etc for good. Do not be led to pornography and zina or the secret habits. Movies, dramas and media materials can be damaging to the Muslim’s modesty and lead to zina.
Implications of Zina include psychological, physiological, social, health-related and spiritual dangers.
Invites Allah’s wrath, deprives one from Allah’s mercy and blessings causing darkness of the heart.
Until repentance, he remains in the company of the devil.
“If ever immorality spreads in a community and there is no sense of shame on its occurrence or mentioning it (and people talk about it as if nothing bad has taken place), diseases which were not present in the time of their predecessors will spread among them.”
Ibn Majah, 4019