
Are you passionate about helping the needy?

You can do a lot through your family, friends, colleagues, and your local community.

Whichever project touches your heart you can fundraise as much and as quickly as possible by taking the support of your near and dear ones.

Be ambitious. Set yourself a high but realistic target and you will find that everyone is willing to help you reach it. People will be happy to support you with a nominal amount, especially when it’s so easy to donate online, and this will quickly build-up into a substantial figure that will make a huge difference to the lives of the poor.

have a chat with us. We will help and get you raising that cash for the needy.

Fundraising challenges:

Few incredible challenges below, giving you the chance to raise funds for any of our projects.

Marathons, cycling challenges, climbing some of the highest mountains. Amongst others.


Very simple way to fundraise by auctioning various items on social media. Be it items you already have at home and no longer want/need or items donated by a local business for your auction.

Car Wash

A fun and enjoyable thing you could do in the summer and all you need is water, a bucket, a sponge and some car shampoo. You could use your local school or workplace, or even ask a local business to let you use their grounds/car park.

Car Boot Sale

All you need is to find a good location, and ask lots of people bring a boot full of goodies and/or items they no longer need. Each seller pays a fixed fee to sell at your car boot sale event.

Competitive Events

Organise a paintballing or go-karting event, you could make it a competition between individuals, or something for teams? Add a little on top of the cost price to donate to your chosen cause. Or perhaps you can ask for a reduced charity rate when organizing the event?

Football Match or Tournament

A fun and enjoyable thing you could do in the summer and all you need is water, a bucket, a sponge and some car shampoo. You could use your local school or workplace, or even ask a local business to let you use their grounds/car park.

Raise money by asking your family & friends to sponsor you to climb a mountain, run a marathon or something that you love.

Online Fundraiser

Feel passionate about a cause and don’t have time to organize an event? Create your own fundraising page on just giving and start raising money immediately. We can help you set it all up.

Family Fun Day

Get your local community involved. Hold a family fun day with outdoor activities like bouncy castles, stalls or BBQs etc. Make it an unforgettable day by getting adults and the children involved, a real family event. You can either charge an entrance fee, an event participation fee or ask people to donate on the day or donate the profits towards the charitable causes.

Should you require any ideas in being successful in your challenges contact us for a meeting to discuss a plan.

You can use social media and WhatsApp to really get the message out about the cause you are fundraising for, and get your family and friends to support you!

Team Al-Ihsaan is here to help.