Our Work.

What We Do

We are a humanitarian organisation through which thousands of people reap the benefits of your generosity.

Summary of Organisation

Al-Ihsaan Trust UK is a charity whose objective is to provide humanitarian services to the most needy across the globe. We strive to alleviate poverty, provide relief and impart education to children/adults, train and nurture them to become decent, upright & civilised members of the society & to relieve humanity from shackles of slavery, poverty, ignorance & hopelessness so that they become peaceful citizens of the world.

The Al-Ihsaan Trust Academy UK is a Online International Madrasah of short comprehensive Islamic syllabus. The syllabus is designed to make the general people aware of the basics and Faraaid of the Deen. The core subjects will include Aqeeda, Fiqh, Tajweed, Tafseer and Hedeeth. Join this Free online International Madrasah with no obligations, fees, exams process or any strings attached. Learn and practice the Deen as you go along at any possible opportunities 24/7 all your life from any part of the world.

Where We Work

10,000+ beneficiaries in Bangladesh, Pakistan, Kashmir, India, UK and others.

Distance doesn’t diminish our love.

In response to the global crises over the last few decades, Al-Ihsaan Trust UK has been established to provide aid, relief, wellbeing and education to those affected. We plan to deliver aid in the UK, parts of Europe, Asia, Africa & the Arab World through education, dawah & charity. overlooked & managed by scholars with a 100% Donations Policy. Help Allah’s deen with the vision of PERFECTING KINDNESS towards humanity.

Al-Ihsaan Trust UK is investing in children, together, we have the opportunity to create real, long-lasting change for families and communities around the world.