Orphanage Madrasatul Aman

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Gift Aid It!Add 25% more to your donation at no cost to you. A Gift Aid declaration allows Al Ihsaan Trust to claim tax back on eligible donations. It means that for every £1 you donate to Al Ihsaan Trust we can claim back 25p, at no extra cost to you.

By ticking the "Yes" box, I agree I would like Al Ihsaan Trust to reclaim the tax on all qualifying donations I have made, as well as any future donations, until I notify them otherwise. I understand that if I pay less Income Tax and/or Capital Gains Tax than the amount of Gift Aid claimed on all my donations in that tax year I may be asked to pay any difference. I understand that Al Ihsaan Trust will reclaim 25p of tax on every £1 that I give.

What is Gift Aid?

Gift Aid does not cost you a penny more, but can add an additional 25p to every £1 you donate. When Al Ihsaan Trust receives a donation from a UK taxpayer, we're entitled to claim an amount of tax (calculated at the basic rate of income tax in that year) paid on that donation. Once you have given your permission for us to do this on your behalf, there is no need for you to do anything else.

All that is required is that you must be a taxpayer and that would have paid or will pay sufficient Income and/or Capital Gains Tax to cover all the Gift Aid claimed on all your donations in that tax year. Please note that it is your responsibility to pay any difference.

The amount of tax we claim will be 25% of the total value of your donations in that tax year. Furthermore, if you are a higher taxpayer, you are also entitled to claim the difference between the basic rate which we will claim and the amount of tax you have actually paid. For further details on how you can do this, please contact your tax office. If your tax situation changes and your gifts will no longer be eligible for the Gift Aid scheme please contact us and we will amend your record accordingly.

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Donation Total: £100.00

In Islam, it is the right of a child to be protected, and taken care of physically, psychologically, and emotionally. And these rights don’t change when they become orphans. Prophet Mohammad (peace be upon him) was himself an orphan. There is great importance set in the Quran and Sunnah (the teachings of the Prophet (PBUH)) in the treatment of orphans.
Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) said, “Whoever caresses the head of an orphan (in affection), solely for the sake of Allah, a good deed will be written to his account for every hair over which he passed his hand. – narrated by Abu Hurairah.

According to Islam, orphans are those children who are left with no protection because their fathers have passed away. Many orphans have no source of income and/or a guardian to take care of them. This is where Muslims as a community have to step in and aid the orphans even if the mother is still living.
There is also a great responsibility that comes with taking care of orphans. There are very strict guidelines when it comes to Islam and taking care of orphans. And we as Al-Ihsaan Trust for Relief and Development understand and take them seriously.
Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) said, “I and the person who looks after an orphan and provides for him, will be in Paradise like this,” putting his index and middle fingers together. – Narrated by Sahl bin Sa’d
There is great reward in caring for an orphan.

Shaykhul hadeeth Ml. Abdul Halim Rahimahullah a great Alim Deen has purchased land for orphans fully paid.

Unfortunately, he passed away, and now Al-Ihsaan Trust has taken the responsibility to build an orphanage with 6 story foundation for up to 700 orphans.

The building will comprise ground-floor shops and businesses as self-sustaining projects to fund the orphanage.

An indoor multi-purpose and activities center alongside businesses.

A 1st-floor Masjid and the rest classes with boarding facilities and accommodation.

May Allah reward and accept this dream of Hazrat Ml. Abdul Halim Rahimahullah.