10 Ways to Improve your Imaan

1. Sincere Tawba & Istighfaar in abundance cleanses the heart, then the NOOR and Barakah of Good Deeds will enter the heart.

2. Pray 5 times a day in Jamaat with Takbeere Ulaa. Ladies should pray in the beginning time and increase nawaafil Salah.

3. Give Zakat, Sadaqah & lillah regularly throughout your life.

4. Intend to give up all bad habits such as smoking etc. If we don’t try our bad habits will carry on throughout our lives. They will hinder our spiritual progress.

5. Be on good Terms with close ones. Forgive, help and support one another. Clean the heart and detoxify it before the body. Do not Backbite, swear & use any other vulgar language. Increase in daily Azkaar instead.

6. Read and Understand Quran Alkareem as much as possible.

7. Plan Your Daily Islamic Schedule.
“If you fail to plan, you are planning to fail.” Lead an organised systematic life. This will help you gain discipline in life.

8. Dua
The Prophet ﷺ siad:

“Verily your Lord is Generous and Shy. If His servant raises his hands to Him (in supplication) He becomes shy to return them empty.”

9. Social Media use minimize it, and use it only for necessity or beneficial activities. This will help you focus on salah, tilaawat, dua & tasbeehat.

10. Attend spiritual gatherings and Darse Quran it will motivate you to increase in Ibadah.

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